The spiritual home of Bemsee sees us on the Indy circuit for the closing round of 2023. This is my favourite circuit. Brands Indy is all action, the bike is never truly upright and there is no rest on a lap. Bloody marvellous! Short but beautifully formed with some of the world's greatest bends.
There is very little to compare with the thrill of pitching into Paddock Hill bend, feeling like you are diving off the end of the world, bottoming out in the dip and heading up towards balls out braking for Druids Hairpin. The view for spectators is brilliant with more or less the whole circuit being visible from a number of vantage points. Racing here in the Yamaha Past Masters series is always fast and competitive despite the age and relative simplicity of the bikes.
Close results are always the order of the day and the glorious smell of two strokes fills the nostrils of all the people there. I feel privileged to be a part of this class and to race at such a circuit where you follow the wheeltracks of heroes. It just doesn't get much better than this. Come along and get the buzz! Run as part of a packed Bemsee meeting, there is always plenty to see in this and all the other classes from teens on Kawasaki Ninjas to 1000cc Superbikes.