Yamaha Past Masters Racing Club - Rachel Bourne, Official Club Photographer
01291 440787 - 07860 256594
Rachel Bourne - Official YPMRC Club Photographer

Rachel has been around shooting motorsport for over 22 years now and has been published in many international magazines. We are proud to welcome Rachel to the paddock as the official YPMRC Club Photographer and we know that you are going to love the shots of our race action that she captures.

Also, Rachel will be roaming the paddock capturing those priceless race weekend candid moments that would otherwise be lost. Of course, for an appropriate fee, once taken, they could still be lost. That, however is a matter for you, your conscience and the value you place on your public image… don't forget your lippy and combs boys and girls!

What is a little less well-known about Rachel is that she donated all the photos for our 2025 calendar for no fee. This meant that the club was able to raise an additional £700 to help support Craig Jennings via Club Fat Boy.

We are very fortunate to have such a talented and generous person as Club Photographer, so I hope that everyone will support her in return by deluging sponsors, family, friends and loved ones with purchased copies of her great work, featuring you, throughout the coming season and beyond.

Want to see more of Rachels's work?  Visit her portfolio.
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